
KitKat Review: ブルーベリー チーズケーキ味

We found these limited edition ブルーベリー チーズケーキ味 (Blueberry Cheesecake Flavor) at Kawaguchiko station while visiting Fuji-san. It seems they're only available in the Koushinetsu region, so I was pretty excited to find them, even though I had to buy a box of 12 mini bars.

Look at all those blueberry cheesecake kitkats. How fancy!

I thought this was pretty tasty myself. It was a little strange at first tasting blueberries and a hint of cheesecake but feeling the texture of a kitkat, but I got over it quickly. The cheesecake flavor wasn't very strong, more like Jello "cheesecake" than legit cheesecake, but if you know me, you know I like it better that way. I would definitely buy these again, they were really good.  Luckily, I can't get them in Matsue; saves me money and from getting fat!

1 comment:

  1. Were they blue on the inside? Could I put in a request for cross section pics of kit-kats in future reviews?
