
KitKat Review: 桜抹茶ラテ

I bought these little KitKats at the beginning of this year, when many sakura (cherry blossom) flavored products appeared in the stores. If green tea kitkats aren't special enough for you, you can have a green tea latte kitkat! And to make it even better, let's throw the essence of cherry blossoms in there! The box came with 6 mini mini bars. Mini mini means they're even smaller than the regular mini bars.  That must be why you get 6!

As you can see, the bars are the same width as other mini kitkat bars, but shorter, making it a mini mini. I'm sorry, I just think calling it mini mini is hilarious. As for taste, it tastes like a slightly diluted オトナの甘さ 抹茶 kitkat bar, I think that's the latte part. There is a little hint of flower, as if you sniffed someones perfume or garden as you took a bite, but otherwise, not much sakura about it. I thought the box was pretty but there was nothing particularly special about these kitkats. If you want 抹茶 (green tea) flavor, just get the オトナの甘さ kitkats.

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