Japanese people love KitKats. What's not to love really, they are pretty delicious. However, in Japan you can find all kinds of flavors that we don't have in America. So, as a reoccurring blog theme, I'll post a review of each one I find as I find them. How exciting!
KitKat flavors are seasonal AND regional, so it shall be interesting to see what I can find.
The box says "Otona no amasa" which means"sweetness of adults." Basically, it's a kitkat geared towards adults. This is a sub-type of kitkat.
The flavor is written in yellow and says "Matcha." That's green tea.
Under that it says "~kodawari no uji matcha" which roughly translates (I think...) to obsession of Uji Matcha, or green tea from the Uji region of Kyoto.
Shfancy! This box had 3 individually wrapped (of course...) kitkat minis inside.
Aren't they a beautiful shade of green?
Flavor wise, it's not very strong. You mostly taste wafer, and then a strong taste of matcha kicks in and leaves a slightly bitter after taste in your mouth. Pretty much the same way drink matcha does. This is definitely not as strong as drinking matcha tea, and a little bit sweeter.
It's okay. I like it. I wouldn't go out of my way for it.
How do you feel about it. Want to try it?
Oh my. :)